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We strive to be characterized by our actions, displaying God’s compassion and a caring heart to those we serve. We believe that community change can occur when those being served are listened to, valued, and loved, unconditionally! God provides hope. God loves all. Build Community. Be the Change!

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David's Promise

We recognize that each person brings differing abilities. With that understanding, we provide an environment where people can grow spiritually, and learning never ends. Compassionate Ministries of Jackson County and its David’s Promise ministry supports individuality, active learning, enrichment, faith, and community.


Community Collective

CMJC’s Community Collective ministries provide opportunities to give, serve and connect, collectively! Our prayer is that through these acts of service, people will encounter the love of God through his people.

Food Ministries

We recognize that poverty in Jackson is real, so we partner with churches, schools, businesses, organizations, and individuals, working together for a hunger-free Jackson. There are many ways to get involved in our food ministries. Whether serving at one of our community food pantries or assembling a food-filled backpack for a child in need, our hope is to find the right fit for you in our efforts to build the community and be the change.


Promise Church

Promise Church is specifically geared to adults with special needs. It is an inclusive service where everyone—those with special needs, their families, caregivers, and friends—will feel welcomed.


Promise Church is non-denominational and emphasizes God’s love and inclusion for all people. At Promise Church we sing, pray, listen to a brief message, and enjoy the presence of others. Services typically last about half an hour, followed by coffee and snacks. The atmosphere is relaxed, and dress is casual.


Promise Church meets at The Table (3737 Clinton Road in Jackson) every Sunday at 3:00pm. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us.

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©2023 by Compassionate Ministries of Jackson

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